Americans Increasingly Rely on TikTok for News

More Americans Rely on TikTok for News

A recent study by the Pew Research Center reveals that a growing number of adults in the U.S. are turning to TikTok as a regular source of news. This shift is especially notable among younger generations, with adults under 30 driving the increase. The platform, once known mainly for its short-form entertainment videos, is rapidly transforming into a hub for news consumption.

The survey, which was conducted from July 15 to August 4, found that 17% of American adults now say they regularly get their news from TikTok. This marks a dramatic rise compared to just 3% of adults who reported using the app for news in 2020. The fivefold increase in just a few years highlights how quickly TikTok has evolved beyond a social media platform to a go-to source for current events.

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Significant Growth Across All Age Groups

Although TikTok is especially popular among younger adults, the trend of using the platform for news has spread across all age groups in recent years.

  • Adults aged 18-29: In 2020, only 9% of this age group said they regularly turned to TikTok for news. Today, that figure has jumped to 39%, showing the platform’s growing influence among younger people who are shifting away from traditional news sources.
  • Adults aged 30-49: This group has also seen a sharp rise in TikTok news consumption. In 2020, just 2% of adults in this age range used TikTok for news. By 2024, this number has risen to 19%, showing that even older millennials and Gen Xers are adopting TikTok as a news source.
  • Adults aged 50-64: Even middle-aged adults are now joining the trend. In 2020, only 1% of people in this group used TikTok for news. Today, 9% say they regularly consume news through the platform.
  • Adults aged 65 and older: Although TikTok usage among seniors is still relatively low, there has been some growth. Less than 1% of adults over 65 were using TikTok for news in 2020, but now 3% of this age group report using it regularly.

This broad-based increase in TikTok news consumption reflects the changing landscape of how Americans access information, with traditional news sources like television and newspapers increasingly being replaced by social media platforms.

TikTok’s News User Base Expands Rapidly

Not only has TikTok seen a surge in overall user numbers, but the proportion of users who use it as a news source has skyrocketed. According to the Pew Research study, 52% of TikTok users now say they regularly obtain news through the platform, compared to just 22% in 2020. This increase underscores how TikTok has become a significant player in the digital news space.

TikTok’s unique algorithm, which curates content based on user preferences, allows people to discover news stories organically while scrolling through their feeds. The platform’s fast-paced, engaging format has proven especially effective at capturing the attention of younger audiences who are looking for quick, digestible information on current events.

Other Social Media Platforms See Growth in News Consumption

While TikTok’s rise as a news source is remarkable, it’s not the only social media platform experiencing growth in this area. Instagram and YouTube have also seen increases in the number of users turning to them for news.

  • Instagram: The percentage of Instagram users who regularly consume news on the platform has risen from 28% in 2020 to 40% in 2024. Instagram’s emphasis on visual content, including infographics, short videos, and interactive stories, has made it a popular option for news, especially among younger users.
  • YouTube: YouTube has also seen a modest increase, with 37% of users in 2024 saying they regularly get news from the platform, up from 32% in 2020. YouTube’s long-form video content and range of news channels make it a versatile platform for users who prefer in-depth coverage of current events.

TikTok’s Role in Shaping the Future of News

As more Americans turn to social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for news, the way information is delivered and consumed is changing. TikTok, in particular, has revolutionized how news is presented, making it more engaging and accessible to younger generations. The platform’s ability to blend entertainment with information has captured the attention of people who might otherwise not engage with traditional news sources.

With half of TikTok’s user base now regularly consuming news, the platform has significant influence over public discourse. This trend raises questions about the accuracy and quality of the information being shared, as well as concerns over the spread of misinformation. However, it also presents opportunities for news organizations to reach new audiences by adopting creative, bite-sized content formats that fit within the TikTok framework.

In the coming years, it’s likely that TikTok will continue to play a major role in how news is consumed, especially as its popularity grows among younger and older audiences alike. Social media’s impact on news consumption is undeniable, and TikTok’s rise represents a significant shift in how people stay informed about the world around them.