Cybercriminals Using GitHub and AWS to deploy STRRAT Trojans and VCURMS

Cybercriminals Using GitHub and AWS to deploy STRRAT Trojans and VCURMS

A Java-based downloader is being maliciously employed in a recent phishing campaign aimed at distributing remote access trojans (RATs) such as VCURMS and STRRAT. Yurren Wan, a researcher at Fortinet FortiGuard Labs, stated that “the attackers stored malware on public services like Amazon Web…

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Malware Strikes 3,900+ Sites via Popup Builder Plugin

WordPress Users Beware! Malware Strikes 3,900+ Sites via Popup Builder Plugin

A high-severity security hole in the Popup Builder plugin for WordPress is being used by a new malware operation to add harmful JavaScript code. It is said that over the last three weeks, the operation has infected over 3,900 sites. In a March 7 report, security expert Puja Srivastava said,…

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Russian Hackers Breach Microsoft, Exposing Customer Secrets and Source Code

Microsoft Reveals Russian Hackers Accessed Customer Secrets and Source Code

Midnight Blizzard, also known as APT29 or Cozy Bear, operates under Kremlin support and poses a significant threat. Following a breach detected in January 2024, they infiltrated Microsoft’s internal systems and accessed portions of its source code. “In recent weeks, we have seen…

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Hacked WordPress sites are using visitors' browsers for brute-force attacks.

Hacked WordPress sites are using visitors’ browsers for brute-force attacks.

New findings from Sucuri shows that threat actors are using malicious JavaScript injections to launch brute-force attacks against WordPress sites. According to Denis Sinegubko, a security researcher, the attacks are distributed brute-force attacks that “target WordPress websites from the…

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Hackers use flaws in ConnectWise ScreenConnect to spread TODDLERSHARK malware.

North Korean threat actors have used the newly found security holes in ConnectWise ScreenConnect to spread a new piece of malware called TODDLERSHARK. A report from Kroll that was given to The Hacker News says that TODDLERSHARK is similar to other known Kimsuky malware like BabyShark and…

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