White Hat Hacker

What are White Hat Hackers?

Contrary to popular belief, not all hackers are malicious. Hackers use their skills to help protect against attacks are called “white hat”, while hackers looking to take down networks steal data, or compromise systems are called “black hat.”  White hat hackers work to proactively find security

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Online Privacy

Steps for Safe Computing and Online Privacy

Top 10 tips for safe computing and online privacy Protect your personal information. Be aware of schemes that ask for personal or financial information. Do not respond to unsolicited requests for confidential information. Choose effective passwords. Choose passwords that are difficult to guess

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How To Create Secure Passwords

How To Create Secure Passwords You Won’t Forget

How To Create Secure Passwords Safety deposit boxes for our valuables, security systems for our homes, kryptonite locks for our bikes, and yet the top two computer passwords people use in 2015 are “123456” and “password”.  Does this sound counterintuitive?  As an IT support and services company,

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Cybersecurity Tips

Cybersecurity Tips to Keep Your Data Safe While Traveling

Cybersecurity Tips Cybersecurity Tips during your travels, it is easy to become so preoccupied with sharing your travel stories online that you forget to protect yourself against cyber threats. When it comes to cybersecurity, most people associate it with safe cyber practices at home, but

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Application security

Tips to lift your application security game

Application security What with ingenious data thieves and sloppy users, penetration testing is a good, and maybe essential, way to find vulnerabilities before the bad guys do. Even if a technology such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems protect 95 percent of an organization, “a

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internet scams

Top 10 online scams: Watch out for these common red flags

Scams aren’t new; they’ve been around for centuries, even millennia. They are used to bilk unsuspecting people or to gain information or power. Nigerian princes want to give you money; Russian women think you’re cute; investment professionals want to let you in on a hot stock, or you’ll make a

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Preventing Cyberattacks

2020 Best Cybersecurity Certifications

10 Hot Cybersecurity Certifications For IT Professionals To Pursue In 2020 IT workers with security certifications tend to have significantly higher average salaries — around 15 percent more — than those without them, according to global IT skills and salary study conducted by Global Knowledge.

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coronavirus message

Corona Virus (COVID-19): Staying Strong, Staying Connected

Corona Virus (COVID-19): Staying Strong, Staying Connected The coronavirus pandemic has created new challenges for businesses as they adapt to an operating model in which working from home has become the ‘new normal’. Companies are accelerating their digital transformation, and

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Data Cybersecurity

Enterprise Data Cybersecurity

Data Cybersecurity Data is born in silos but is most valuable when shared across multiple departments, presenting companies with increased risks in cybersecurity. A data silo is a collection of information in an organization that is isolated from and not accessible by other parts of the

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