Cyber threat actors are not equal in terms of capability and sophistication and have a range of resources, training, and support for their activities. Cyber threat actors may operate on their own or as part of a larger organization (i.e., a nation-state intelligence program or organized crime group). Sometimes, even sophisticated actors use less sophisticated and readily available tools and techniques because these can still be effective for a given task and/ or make it difficult for defenders to attribute the activity.

Nation-states are frequently the most sophisticated threat actors, with dedicated resources and personnel, and extensive planning and coordination. Some nation-states have operational relationships with private sector entities and organized criminals.

Cybercriminals are generally understood to have moderate sophistication in comparison to nation-states. Nonetheless, they still have planning and support functions in addition to specialized technical capabilities that affect a large number of victims.

Cybersecurity Myths | Threat Actors Use Sophisticated Tools

Threat actors in the top tier of sophistication and skill, capable of using advanced techniques to conduct complex and protracted campaigns in the pursuit of their strategic goals, are often called advanced persistent threats (APT). This designator is usually reserved for nation-states or very proficient organized crime groups.

Hacktivists, terrorist groups, and thrill-seekers are typically at the lowest level of sophistication as they often rely on widely available tools that require little technical skill to deploy. Their actions, more often than not, have no lasting effect on their targets beyond reputation.

Insider threats are individuals working within their organization who are particularly dangerous because of their access to internal networks that are protected by security perimeters. Access is a key component for malicious threat actors and having access to privileged access eliminates the need to employ other remote means. Insider threats may be associated with any of the other listed types of threat actors but often include disgruntled employees.


How can you protect your business with a Cybersecurity Investment?

With the help of a professional Cybersecurity Company, you can implement strong strategies to fortify the defenses of your business, such as Penetration Testing, which is a simulated attack to identify the vulnerabilities of your digital assets.

Some solutions are built to protect each aspect of your business just like a watchman does, such as the Rhyno GUARD MDR, which directly protects 24/7 your business against cyber threats.º