What is Password Spoofing?

Password Spoofing: It’s no secret that passwords can be stolen.

In order to maximize the security of your passwords, however, you should understand how password attacks actually occur.

Before we begin, we should note that stealing or “cracking” passwords is not the only way that attackers can gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

They can also intercept weakly encrypted data over the network, for example, or find ways to bypass passwords entirely in order to access protected data.

However, stolen passwords are one of the most common vehicles that attackers use to hijack email accounts, steal identities, and more.

Following are the most common strategies that attackers use to steal passwords, along with an explanation of what you can do to help prevent each type of attack.

Protocol Vulnerabilities

Sometimes, flaws exist within the code that is used to exchange or encrypt passwords.

Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to break passwords.

For example, this is a method for cracking WEP passwords – technically encryption keys, not passwords – which were once commonly used to secure wireless networks.

To minimize your risk of having passwords stolen through this type of vector, you should ensure that your software is up-to-date.

Password Spoofing also-known-as login spoofing is one of the most common practices used by attackers to steal your password. Spoofing is an attack where the invaders successfully falsify the login page of any website and convince you to give your passwords unsuspectingly.

Check out this video of my friend getting password spoofed and learn how you can tell you are getting doped!

Whereas the concept of phishing usually involves a scam in which victims respond to unsolicited e-mails that are either identical or similar in appearance to a familiar site which they may have prior affiliation, login spoofing usually is indicative of a much more heinous form of vandalism or attack in which case the attacker has already gained access to the victim computer to at least some degree. In the case of my friend, since her account was hacked, the vandals continued in their attempts to obtain her friend’s logins and password.

Stay safe my friends!