Website Application Security Audits

Website Application Security Audits involves assessing security policies, security controls, and potential threats related to all information technology assets. That includes websites and web applications. While some parts of the audit must be performed manually by security auditors, Acunetix can partially automate the web risk assessment process. It assesses the security of your web assets by performing vulnerability scans to find known web vulnerabilities. It also helps you find other information security issues such as access control weaknesses, misconfigurations, or lack of certain security mechanisms. Additionally, if the IT security audit is performed to meet compliance requirements, Acunetix can generate audit reports for security compliance.


In the case of cybercrime, several simple attack techniques can be chained together to lead to full system compromise. For example, an attacker may first use an SQL Injection, then privilege escalation, and finally, after getting control of your operating system, install dangerous malware such as ransomware. That is why it is important for a security assessment tool to provide information about potential consequences. With the right information, the most severe security issues may be addressed first and fixed quickly.

Detailed Website Application Security Audits Reporting

We conveniently send you a detailed report with a summary of findings and risk ratings. Each finding has a detailed explanation in terms of risk and recommendations.

The Report includes:

  • Overall risk level
  • Summary of findings
  • Risk ratings
  • Detailed explanation for each finding
  • CVSS number and Link to CVE classification (ex:
  • Recommendations for each finding
  • Vulnerabilities are ordered by risk level

Web Penetration Testing

Our flagship cybersecurity service, we fully analyze and determine the extent to which your assets can defend against threats by testing your exposure to exploits and vulnerabilities on your infrastructure.

We discover and safely exploit vulnerabilities before hackers do

Web Penetration testing is a simulated attack orchestrated by certified security engineers to attempt to compromise your network and digital assets.

We do quality pen-tests much faster and cost-effective than the traditional approach. Our consultants achieve this by combining their advanced technical skills with powerful tools. You get an accurate security posture of your web applications or network as well as actionable recommendations.

  • Highly trained and certified penetration testing team
  • Guaranteed findings or test is free
  • Proven penetration testing methodology (NIST, OSSTMM, OWASP, PTES)
  • Clear & concise reports with prioritized, actionable items
  • POC creation with no business interruption

More information here!