Secure Passwords and Authentication Tools

We live in a password-driven society, where the ability to access various accounts is dependent on a couple of characters. The only sure way to ensure cybersecurity is not only to update your important passwords but also to make sure you’re choosing strong passwords that can’t be easily discovered. Creating strong passwords may seem like a daunting task especially when we are constantly advised to use a unique password for each of our important accounts. Here are some tips to help you generate strong and secure passwords that are impossible to guess.

Have a unique password for each site

Create a different password for each of your accounts like your email and online banking accounts. It is risky to re-use passwords as when someone discovers one password, he or she will potentially have access to all of your important profiles, accounts, or even your money.

Make it long enough

Both Google and Microsoft advise that longer passwords are more secure with Microsoft for passwords to be at least 8 characters in length.

Make it as randomized as possible

It is useless to have a long password if it’s a common word that can easily be guessed. Use numbers, symbols, and a mix of upper and lower case letters to make the password harder to crack. Avoid using personal information or a combination of obvious dictionary words. Instead, use a phrase and incorporate shortcodes or acronyms to it. For example, you can use a relevant yet easy to remember a phrase like, ‘I LOVE TO WORK OUT DAILY’ and translate it to IL2WOdaily.

Use a password manager

In case you are wondering how to balance the necessity of highly secure passwords with the ability to easily recall them all, a password manager will come in handy. With a password management system in place, you can comfortably manage your unique, random and unbreakable passwords. Programs like KeePass, LastPass, RoboForm, and 1Password do an excellent job of creating unique passwords, encrypting those passwords, and safely storing them for you in the online vault/cloud.

Consider using other authentication tools

Typing a name and password isn’t the only way to identify yourself on a specific web service. You can adopt the multi-factor authentication or the two-factor authentication tool to verify your identity. Multi-factor authentication gives extra security by using more than one form of authentication like voice ID, facial recognition, iris recognition, and finger scanning. Two-factor authentication on the other hand will ask for a security code in addition to the username and password. Google and Facebook, for example, offer to text you a code that you have to enter on a login page to verify your identity.

If you have any questions about online security, contact our expert technicians at Rhyno.