
Endpoint devices, including desktop computers, laptops, and mobile phones, allow users to connect to company networks and utilize their resources daily. However, these devices broaden the attack surface and expose the organization to aggressive attacks and data breaches.

MDR for complete Network Protection and EDR are both intended to assist organizations in leveraging cutting-edge security technologies to strengthen their protection against cyber attacks. Improved visibility and security integration are critical value improvements in both scenarios.

In this article, I will explore the synergies when these two technologies work together.

Why do modern organizations need EDR? | MDR for complete Network Protection

According to the 2021 State of Endpoint Resilience Report byย Absolute, laptops, mobile devices, and desktop computers are among the most vulnerable entry points for attackers to compromise corporate networks. It also states that Windows 10 devices are, on average, 95 days behind on patching. Before these devices can harm the organization, security teams must identify and fix the security problems they create. Thus Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) is not an option but is required.

EDR systems give endpoint visibility in real-time and detect threats such as malware and ransomware. In addition, they help security teams to detect harmful behaviours, assess risks, and trigger necessary measures to safeguard the organization by continually monitoring endpoints.

EDR restrictions

Modern corporate networks are intricate webs of users, endpoints, applications, and data flows that span on-premises and multi-cloud settings. Because EDR systems only give insight into endpoints, numerous security vulnerabilities and issues remain, dramatically increasing the likelihood of undetected intrusions.

Most malware tries to disable EDR agents

Another issue that EDR systems cannot address is the rise of expert hacking organizations such as Lapsus$. Lapsus$ broke into multiple significant corporations in late 2021 by compromising remote endpoints and turning off their EDR capabilities. As a result, they were able to conceal their malicious behaviour on infected endpoints while achieving their aim of obtaining valuable corporate data. Another problem is that threat actors can use the “hooking” mechanism that EDRs use to monitor ongoing processes.

EDR solutions can use this method to monitor programs, detect suspicious activity, and collect data for behaviour-based analytics. However, this identical technique allows attackers to gain access to a remote endpoint and import malware.

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The problem with BYOD | MDR for complete Network Protection

Many organizations have transitioned to remote work arrangements in recent years, allowing workers and third-party users to access company resources over distant networks and unprotected mobile devices. Security professionals and their EDR systems have no control over these devices. As a result, their security solutions are incapable of keeping up with all of these endpoints, let alone protecting them or the entire network from malicious attacks.

Furthermore, not every linked endpoint supports EDR agents. This is true for both traditional endpoints such as routers, switches and newer IoT devices. Additionally, in networked Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Industrial Control System (ICS) settings, specific endpoints may be beyond the organization’s control and outside the EDR’s security perimeter. As a result, these endpoints and systems are still subject to threats such as malware, DDoS attacks, and cryptocurrency mining.

Finally, with agent-based EDR technologies, security teams might face a significant overhead installing and maintaining agents on every endpoint across the business network environment.

Closing Security Gaps | MDR for complete Network Protection

For the following reasons, integrating Managed Detection and Response (MDR) into the business cyber security stack is one of the most effective strategies to solve the security vulnerabilities outlined above.

Because a log data-based MDR like RhynoGUARD MDR collects data from numerous diverse data sources in the network (rather than relying on individual devices), the detection algorithms cannot be bypassed. As a result, even if malware disables an EDR, the MDR will identify it be able to identify anomalous traffic passing through the network.

Shadow IT detection

A Managed Detection and Response system not only monitors network traffic between recognized network devices but also discovers and monitors unfamiliar devices and networks. Endpoints without EDR agents are, of course, included in network analytics (such as BYOD). This is due to the fact that MDR identifies threats by combining full-packet-capture network monitoring, numerous threat intelligence feeds, big data analytics, high-speed search, and sophisticated machine learning to provide complete network visibility.

Misconfigured firewalls and gateways

Malfunctioning firewalls and gateways might serve as entry points for attackers; an MDR identifies issues before attackers even begin exploitation.

This is because MDR monitors wild traffic. This helps detect hostile actors by understanding attack patterns. For example, what IP addresses and ports are getting more frequently hit, what services hackers are probing, where attackers are scanning from and most importantly, “why.” This provides IT professionals insights into possible vulnerabilities within perimeter defence.

Comprehensive network visibility | MDR for complete Network Protection

A Managed Detection and Response system, such as RhynoGUARD MDR, gives total visibility of all network connections and data flows because no agents are required. As a result, it enables broader visibility across the company network and any possible dangers inside it.

As organizations’ networks get more complicated and endpoints become more numerous, they demand a dependable monitoring solution to safeguard their endpoints from possible threats. However, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) only provides limited endpoint protection. Moreover, various flaws in EDR allow competent hackers to circumvent security perimeters and exploit network vulnerabilities.

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Rhyno delivers a range of activities that combine to fully protect your infrastructure and data from cybercriminals, anywhere and everywhere, 24/7/365.


About Rhyno Cybersecurity Services

Rhyno Cybersecurity is a Canadian-based company focusing on 24/7 Managed Detection and Response, Penetration Testing, Enterprise Cloud, and Cybersecurity Solutions for small and midsize businesses.

Our products and services are robust, innovative, and cost-effective. Underpinned by our 24x7x365 Security Operations Centre (SOC), our experts ensure you have access to cybersecurity expertise when you need it the most.

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