
Threat actors are always active, leveraging vulnerabilities, phishing, remote access, and social engineering to inflict significant damage on an organization’s systems.

Defending against the relentless and sophisticated barrage of cybersecurity threats is a challenge. Phishing attacks, ransomware, and the targeting of average entities reached their peak in 2022.

Previously, layered security models offered protection, prevention, and detection in a comprehensive and sustainable cybersecurity strategy. However, times have swiftly changed.

Threat prevention and detection solutions confront new malware attacks daily, given the decreasing lifespan of an average malware sample, dropping from 2.3 days to 1.7 days. Shockingly, one in nine malware attacks manages to circumvent layered security measures.

Traditional cybersecurity preventive measures are no longer sufficient. Recognizing harsh realities, we need an intuitive yet assertive response—acknowledging that a small fraction of attackers will inevitably bypass security systems. Thus, complete threat detection and a proactive response are now imperative.

Managed Detection & Response

Safe Prevention, Active Response Resolution

ISACA’s 2022 State of Cybersecurity Report revealed that a staggering 69% of cybersecurity professionals acknowledge their organization’s cybersecurity team being understaffed. This places an unparalleled demand on specialized expertise and strains the in-house IT teams.

An optimal cybersecurity strategy involves 24/7/365 threat monitoring and response tools, enabling organizations to swiftly identify an attack, assess its scope, and respond promptly to mitigate the risk before it manifests into a significant impact.

Most organizations find it challenging to afford, operate, or envision an internally controlled Security Operations Centre (SOC) with such a vast reach. Establishing and maintaining an internal SOC necessitates a substantial budget, a dedicated staff, appropriate infrastructure, and a high level of technological competence.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) steps in to address these challenges, offering a 24/7 outsourced SOC managed by skilled security analysts armed with playbooks and automated techniques to combat threats in real-time.

Let’s delve into how security architectures have evolved to achieve an optimal balance in controlled extended detection and response capabilities.

EDR: Detecting and Responding

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is one of the earliest defence and response methodologies, automating response to threats at endpoints. However, EDR’s scope is limited to detecting and responding to attacks at the endpoint level, making it insufficient in identifying vulnerabilities, remote access, and VPN-enabled threats.

Managed Detection & Response

MSSPs: Bridging the Gap

Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) effectively address the limitations of EDR. They enhance their offerings by incorporating managed services such as vulnerability scanning and management, risk and threat modelling, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, firewall management, and security audits into their product packages. This comprehensive approach ensures a more holistic security solution. While EDR suits those organizations seeking threat detection and response exclusively, managing both detection and response represents the next evolutionary step.

MDR: A Cost-Effective Approach

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) emerged as an attractive option for organizations with smaller IT and cybersecurity teams due to its cost-effectiveness. MDR effectively combined software and human intervention, making it a financially feasible choice. This integration was particularly appealing in the face of a rapidly evolving threat landscape, where traditional endpoint and network detection solutions were proving inadequate.


Rhyno delivers a range of activities that combine to fully protect your infrastructure and data from cybercriminals, anywhere and everywhere, 24/7/365.


About Rhyno Cybersecurity Services

Rhyno Cybersecurity is a Canadian-based company focusing on 24/7 Managed Detection and Response, Penetration Testing, Enterprise Cloud, and Cybersecurity Solutions for small and midsize businesses.

Our products and services are robust, innovative, and cost-effective. Underpinned by our 24x7x365 Security Operations Centre (SOC), our experts ensure you have access to cybersecurity expertise when you need it the most.

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