
Cyber security is essential today because everyone relies on technology, from collaboration, communication, and data collection to e-commerce and entertainment | Protect yourself against Network Security Threats.

Network Security Threats | Every organization must safeguard its IT “network,” which includes all apps and connected devices ranging from laptops and desktops to servers and smartphones.

While these would typically reside on a single “corporate network,” networks today are often made up of the devices themselves and how they connect across the internet, sometimes via VPNs, to people’s homes and cafes and to the cloud and data centres where services reside. So, what are the dangers to today’s network?

Let’s take a closer look.

1) Configuration Issues | Protect yourself against Network Security Threats.

According to recent Verizon research, misconfiguration errors and misuse now account for 14% of breaches. Misconfiguration errors occur when a system or application is configured insecurely. This can happen if you change a setting without fully comprehending the implications or if an incorrect value is entered. A misconfigured firewall, for example, can allow unauthorized access to an internal network, while an incorrectly configured web server can leak sensitive information.

2) Outdated software

Software and app developers are constantly releasing updates with patches to address vulnerabilities discovered in their code. Patching these vulnerabilities across an organization’s network of devices can be time-consuming and challenging to implement, but it is critical. Unfortunately, you’re leaving your network vulnerable if you don’t keep your software, firmware, and operating systems updated as new versions are released. A vulnerability scanner will provide you with a real-time inventory of all the software that needs to be updated and detect misconfigurations that compromise your security, allowing you to remain as secure as possible.

3) Denial of Service | Protect yourself against Network Security Threats.

The previous two threats are typically used to breach networks and steal data, whereas a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is designed to shut down your network and render it inaccessible.

This can be accomplished in various ways, including the use of malware, the flood of traffic on the target network, or the transmission of information that causes a crash in the systems and network. This attack prevents employees, vendors and customers from accessing the expected service or resources in each case.

DoS attacks frequently target high-profile organizations’ websites, such as banks, media companies, and governments.

Though DoS attacks rarely result in data theft or loss, they can cost you a lot of time and money to deal with. A well-configured Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help in the protection of websites from DoS attacks and other common malicious attacks.

4) Application Bugs

An error, flaw, or bug in a software application or system produces an incorrect or unexpected result. Bugs exist in all pieces of code for various reasons, including inadequate testing or messy code, as well as a lack of communication or inadequate specification documents.

Not all bugs pose a cyber security risk or are vulnerable to exploitation, which occurs when an attacker exploits a flaw to gain network access and remotely run code. However, some bugs, such as SQL injection, can be extremely dangerous, allowing attackers to compromise your site or steal data.

SQL injections not only expose sensitive data, but they can also enable remote access and take control of the affected systems. This is just one example of an application bug; there are many more.

Injections are common when developers lack adequate security training, when mistakes are made, and code is not reviewed – or when combined with insufficient continuous security testing. Unfortunately, errors can occur even with all of these precautions, which is why it remains the top threat in the OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risks. Fortunately, many injection vulnerabilities (and other application-level security bugs) can be detected using an authenticated web vulnerability scanner and penetration testing for more sensitive applications.

5) Digital Asset Management

Can you protect your company if you don’t know what internet-facing assets you have? Not efficiently. Without a complete and up-to-date inventory of internet-facing assets, you have no idea what services are available or how attackers can gain access. However, keeping track of them and ensuring they are being monitored for flaws isn’t easy as IT estates grow and evolve daily.

When businesses attempt to document their systems, they frequently rely on manually updating a simple spreadsheet, but with configuration changes, new technologies, and shadow IT, they rarely know what assets they own or where they are located.

However, discovering, tracking, and protecting these assets is critical to any business’s strong security.

It can also monitor your cloud accounts continuously and automatically add any new external IP addresses or hostnames as targets. It can also aid in ‘asset discovery,’ when businesses require assistance locating IP addresses and domains they are unaware of.

What does “Network Security Threats” mean for you?

Attackers utilize automated techniques to find and exploit vulnerabilities in order to access insecure systems, networks, or data, regardless of how big or small your organization is. Automated technologies make identifying and exploiting weaknesses easier because the aforementioned assaults are inexpensive, quick to carry out, and frequently indiscriminate, posing a threat to any organization. An attacker only has to use one vulnerability to access your network.

Determining your weaknesses and vulnerabilities is the first and most important step. By identifying vulnerabilities early on, you can fix them before an attacker exploits them.

A vulnerability scanner is a service that looks for security holes in software, networks, and computer systems. By continuously searching for network risks and vulnerabilities like weak passwords, configuration mistakes, and unpatched software, vulnerability scanners enable you to fix them before attackers use them.

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Rhyno Cybersecurity is a Canadian-based company focusing on 24/7 Managed Detection and Response, Penetration Testing, Enterprise Cloud, and Cybersecurity Solutions for small and midsize businesses.

Our products and services are robust, innovative, and cost-effective. Underpinned by our 24x7x365 Security Operations Centre (SOC), our experts ensure you have access to cybersecurity expertise when you need it the most.

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