Smishing, the use of text messaging to trick individuals into disclosing critical personal information, is on the rise. In this article, we’ll look at why smishing is on the rise and what you can do to mitigate the dangers to your company and staff.

What exactly is smishing?

Smishing is a type of phishing that involves sending text messages to receivers in order to deceive them into exposing personal information or installing mobile malware. “Smishing” is a combination of “SMS” (short messaging services or texting) and “phishing.” Despite its name, it currently incorporates mobile messaging programs such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp in addition to text messaging.

How does smishing work?

Smishing begins by sending messages to victims pretending to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or government agency. Victims are duped into disclosing sensitive information, which is utilized to get money, resources or important data. It is typically used as part of a larger effort to breach a corporation, with attackers attempting to gain access to networks and data.

Smishing is becoming more common.

Smishing assaults surged by about 700% in 2021. The bulk of assaults occurred in the United Kingdom, with the number of reports being 15 times larger than in the United States. The total increase was thought to be related to the rise in parcel deliveries during the epidemic since lockdown limitations boosted the usage of e-commerce and delivery services, many of which employ text message notifications. Smishing imitating banks and financial services were less popular in 2021, accounting for 67.4 percent of smishing efforts.

Since February 2022, mobile malware infections have increased by 500% across Europe. In addition, there has also been a significant surge in mobile messaging-based assaults, such as smishing.

The issue is now so significant that the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has published new recommendations for businesses to ensure that they use text messaging services to communicate with their audiences safely and effectively.

How to Protect Your Company from Smishing

With the smishing threat still present, your organization can take the following actions to respond successfully:

  • Implement access control: Implementing a comprehensive policy of least privilege across your organization is a critical component of cyber defence. Ensuring that workers only have access to appropriate corporate assets for their function and level can reduce hazards if they mistakenly reveal authentication data later on.
  • Establish a secure BYOD policy: If your employees are using their own devices for work, ensure you have a clear BYOD policy outlining how to respond to suspicious text messages.
  • Encourage reporting: Create a corporate policy that encourages employees to notify your security staff as soon as they suspect a smishing attempt. Reporting such events to cell service providers also aids in the reduction of smishing efforts.
  • Create reaction plans: Create a fast and practical approach that enables your organization to act quickly when a smishing attack occurs and subsequent access to your company’s data and other assets.
  • Implement efficient technology solutions/mitigations: Set up essential technological mitigations and review them regularly to ensure they are configured appropriately. Endpoint detection and response (EDR), NextGen AV, and mail servers are examples of this.
  • Provide assistance and training: Ensure that your employees are kept up to speed on smishing and that training and awareness include the following tips:
  • Be wary of any communication that needs an immediate answer since this is frequently a red indicator for smishing behaviour.
  • Responding to suspicious text messages, even with “Unsubscribe” or “Stop,” may alert attackers to the fact that your phone number is in use.
  • Even if you believe the source is reliable, avoid utilizing hyperlinks given in text messages.
  • Responding to long or intricate text messages should be avoided since valid communications are usually brief and to the point.
  • Never respond to text messages from phone numbers beginning with “5000,” as this is associated with email-to-text services, one of the ways social smishers conceal their phone numbers.

Be especially cautious if a text message requests personal information, as legitimate organizations would not do so.

How Rhyno Cyber Security can assist

Rhyno Cyber Security is well-positioned to assist your organization in minimizing and mitigating the risks of smishing and other kinds of social engineering as a leading provider of end-to-end cyber risk management services. Our worldwide team of professionals is available to assist you with your security concerns.


Rhyno delivers a range of activities that combine to fully protect your infrastructure and data from cybercriminals, anywhere and everywhere, 24/7/365.


About Rhyno Cybersecurity Services

Rhyno Cybersecurity is a Canadian-based company focusing on 24/7 Managed Detection and Response, Penetration Testing, Enterprise Cloud, and Cybersecurity Solutions for small and midsize businesses.

Our products and services are robust, innovative, and cost-effective. Underpinned by our 24x7x365 Security Operations Centre (SOC), our experts ensure you have access to cybersecurity expertise when you need it the most.

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